
Revitalizing our Economy
Adrian has worked on a Community Workforce Agreement to bring quality jobs with quality healthcare to Prince George’s County. He understands that Black Americans face gaps in representation, wages, education, business ownership, and more. Adrian will work to close the racial wealth gap in Prince George’s County. As State Delegate, Adrian will:
Introduce legislation to attract major tech companies to Prince George's County. According to U.S. Census data, almost 20 percent of computer programmers and engineers are black, many of whom are in Prince George's County.
Support legislation to bring new industries such as healthcareand life sciences to Prince George's County.
Fight to ensure that The Huntington City Community
Development Corporation (HCCDC), which serves the greater community as defined by the region within a five mile radius of the intersection of Chestnut Avenue and 11th Street has greater collaboration with state officials.
Support legislation to accelerate the minimum wage increase to $15 per hour.
Lead legislation to make sure that Prince George's Stadium, home of the Bowie Baysox has dollars appropriated for revitalization.

Adrian has been a regional leader on transportation equity issues. He currently serves on the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB), the federally designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for metropolitan Washington. As State Delegate Adrian will:
Work directly with the Maryland Secretary of Transportation to prioritize MD-197 and U.S. 301 expansion.
Work to find state funding to alleviate Church Road concerns.
Supports restoring Highway User Revenue, the local share of the state gas tax, to pre-recession levels to help pay for basic road maintenance.
Oppose any effort to move SCMaglev forward while working to develop a 21st-century transportation infrastructure.

Adrian understands the importance of improving Prince George’s County schools to be among the best in the nation. As State Delegate he will:
Support using some of the State of Maryland's $2.5 billion surplus to fund important educational initiatives. Additionally, Adrian supports an increase in personal income tax for those making $500,000 and above and taxing recreational marijuana sales, if legalized to be used for educational purposes.
Introduce legislation to create a state-wide program that provides teachers with downpayment assistance on homes to improve retention.
Fight against any roll backs to public school funding.
Work to strengthen the State’s commitment to recruiting teachers of color and those from underrepresented areas.
Provide more opportunities and expand eligibility for loan forgiveness. This can be implemented as an expansion of the requirements under Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program (LARP) and the Nancy Grasmick Teacher Award.
Fight to ensure that the next Governor phases in The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, especially starting the starting salary of $60,000 by 2023, ahead of Blueprint’s mandate.

Combating Climate Change
Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing our country. Through his work on the City Council, Adrian has been a municipal leader urging immediate action on climate change matters. As State Delegate, Adrian will:
Support the Maryland Environmental Human Rights Amendment. The amendment would ensure that (1) each person, as a matter of human dignity, has a fundamental and inalienable right to a healthful and sustainable environment, and (2) the state, as the trustee of Maryland’s natural resources, including its air, water, lands, wildlife, and ecosystems, shall preserve them for the benefit of current and future generations. The Amendment will provide constitutionally based protections in addition to those set forth in existing environmental laws and regulations.
Support the Maryland Paint Stewardship. This bill would require that sellers of architectural paint accept returns of unused paint for recycling. This measure would reduce Prince George’s County's cost for disposal of paint.
Supports legislation that protects wild and open space.
Support legislation that requires the Maryland State Retirement and Pensions System to identify climate risks, determine investment opportunities in emerging technologies, wean the state off of fossil fuel investments, and establish policies to implement and report on these practices. Adrian has led on this issue since 2016, when the University System of Maryland made the same decision.
Support legislation that allows Maryland’s electricity sector to be carbon-free by 2030.
Support any legislation that fully funds the Bay Restoration Fund so that the Chesapeake Bay is protected from pollution.

Re-Imagining Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform
Every Marylander deserves to live in a safe community. As State Delegate, Adrian will:
Support legislation to legalize marijuana and expunge all past convictions, provided that there is diversity surrounding business licensing and other regulatory matters.
Adrian would reintroduce HB162, the Public Safety-Law Enforcement- Body Worn Cameras. The bill would require and authorizing the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission to take certain actions relating to body-worn cameras; adding misconduct related to the improper use of body-worn cameras, equipment, and technology to a certain disciplinary matrix; requiring the development and publication online of a policy for the disclosure of body-worn camera recordings and data to the public; providing training to law enforcement officers regarding policies related to and the use of body-worn cameras, equipment or technology; etc.
Work to ban Ghost Guns to redefine firearms to include the unfinished frame or receiver of any weapon that "expels, is designed to expel, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.”
Work to reduce Maryland’s recidivism rate by increasing investments in re-entry programming, expanding educational and job-training programs during incarceration and ensuring people have access to behavioral health treatment.

Increasing Health Equity
If the pandemic taught us anything, it was how many structural inequities exist within our current healthcare system. As State Delegate, Adrian will work to increase health equity in Prince George’s County.
Adrian is a supporter of the Commission on Universal Health Care bill. It would establish the Commission on Universal Health Care; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Commission; requiring the Commission to develop a plan for the State to establish, on or before January 1, 2024, a universal health care program to provide health benefits to all residents of the State through a single-payer system.
Adrian will introduce legislation to make critical investments in social determinants of health that influence maternal health outcomes, like housing, transportation, and nutrition.
Adrian supports the increase in funding for quality mental health services from licensed professionals to every child, family, teacher, and employee in the state. Given the role telehealth has had in our community, Adrian will introduce legislation increasing telehealth benefits for those on the Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP). Additionally, he would like to see the same expansion happen for teachers through a state employment health benefit program.

Easing the Tax Burden on Working Families
As State Delegate, Adrian will support legislative efforts to ease the burden on working families.
Adrian supports EITC outreach via Annual Unemployment Tax Notice: This bill would ensure that unemployed Marylanders know about their potential eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) when they receive their end of year tax form from the Department of Labor.
Adrian supports exempting EITC Tax Refunds from State Debt Collection: In 2021, the General Assembly enacted legislation to expand the Maryland Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and created the Maryland Child Tax Credit in order to help struggling Marylanders. The impact of these tax credits is undermined when low-income families have their refunds withheld by the state to pay for government-owned debts. This bill would ensure that these vital anti-poverty measures reach their intended recipients and aren’t withheld by state debt collectors.
Adrian will work to find ways to roll back high county taxes by evaluating ways to decrease the local education funding burden on Counties and increasing state education replacement funding provided that local counties use savings to cut property taxes.